DISNEYLAND HERE WE COME!!! So we leave this afternoon for Disneyland. Can I just say I am way more than ecstatic that we are going. I have been wanting to go with Mike since we got married, so we decided we would make it our trip for our 2nd anniversary which we celebrated earlier this month. The only downfall is that I am leaving my baby :( I'm afraid I'm gunna end up having a total breakdown. How do all you mommies out there do it? I almost cry just thinking about the fact that I'm not going to see her until Monday night. I know my sister Emily and her family are going to take great care of her, but still, a baby needs her mommy. At least I hope that my baby needs me :( She probably won't even notice I'm gone and that makes me sadder than the fact that I'm leaving her. We are going to have a great trip though. We will go to Disneyland Friday and Saturday then drive down to San Diego and spend Sunday and Monday morning, then drive home Monday afternoon. We are going with Mike's cousins Brian and Carrie with their daughter Addie and Brian's mom Gloria. Saturday is Brian's birthday so he gets in free. LUCKY!! It is going to be wonderful. Just cross your fingers that I don't have an emotional breakdown this weekend :) I heart Disneyland!!!

I heart Disneyland too!!! I've never left my kids for more then a few hours so good for you :)
ReplyDeleteDid you notice that the heading to your last blog is right under the Disney Castle? It made me laugh. Sorry if that is disrespectful ~ Heavenly Father has a sense of humore too. You will have a good time. It is good for you and for Alena to have a little apart time. I think it makes the bond stronger. So, I've decided to leave for a really LONG time. Ü JK Have a safe and happy time. LUVS!!!!!