I can't believe that it has been a year since my sweet little girl was born! I had to take a little look back at what that day was like, and I wanted to let you remember with me! Here is the run down of my baby girls "Birth Day" :)
August 26th, 2008:
3:00 AM - I had just gotten back in bed after one of the many trips to the bathroom that happened throughout the night. I was just settling back in to sleep when I felt Alena kick, I heard a *POP* and instantly I was soaking wet. At first I was in such shock I didn't know what to do. I laid my hand on Mike and all I said was "My water just broke" and he was out of bed like a shot. For those of you who know Mike, you know that this is a miracle in and of itself. Mike sleeps like a rock, so I'm glad I didn't have to sit and shake him awake. Well, we called the doctor and I called my mom, and we got ready to leave for the hospital. Since she was 6 weeks early I still hadn't packed a bag or anything to take to the hospital with me. I showered quickly, put on dry clothes and we were out the door.
3:25 AM - We were pulling away from our house and my contractions started. One of my biggest fears had been that I wouldn't know I was having contractions, but there was no mistaking it. Right off the bat they were 4 to 5 minutes apart and lasting about 45 seconds to a minute each. Luckily one of the two birthing classes we had had was the breathing class, so I was able to get through them okay. While in the car I called all of my sisters to let them know what was going on and to ask them to say a prayer that everything would be alright. This is when it kinda started sinking in that I was having a baby, she was really early, and I had no idea what to do. Let's just say I was a little FREAKED OUT!!! Thank heaven for Mike. He was so great through the entire thing.
4:00 AM - We got the the hospital. Before going inside Mike gave me a Priesthood Blessing that I would be okay and that our little girl would be okay. Then we headed into the hospital. At this point I was having contractions about 3 to 4 minutes apart and they were lasting at least a minute each. They took me in to one of the triage rooms and started getting me hooked up to monitors. They brought in papers for me to sign and they worked on getting everything set. I was still just trying to breathe and stay calm. Mike was great and rubbed my feet through each of my contractions to help me stay relaxed.
4:30 AM - They finally had everything set and the nurse checked to see how far I had progressed. I was already 100% efaced and dilated 4 centimeters. When the nurse checked me she was able to feel Alena's little toes coming through the cervix. When she said that I knew instantly that that meant c-section. I was already in such shock that this didn't faze me too bad. I definitely wasn't prepared for it, but there was so much other stuff on my mind that I didn't have time to worry about another unexpected development.
5:00 AM - The doctor finally came in and said that he wanted to try and do a test to check Alena's lung development. With her being so early, there was a lot of fear that her lungs would not be fully developed yet and that would pose yet another problem. They were unable to get the fluid needed for the test so the doctor had them give me a tributalene shot to try and slow things down. His hope was that if things slowed they would have the time to do the test. Needless to say, the shot didn't work!!! My contractions kept coming harder and faster and I was having a hard time because I didn't know what exactly they were going to do. They kept saying different things and I just needed to know what was going on.
5:45 AM - Mike went out to call and update my mom. They had just come in and said that they would be doing the c-section later in the day. While Mike was out on the phone, the nurse came in and checked me again. In just over an hour, I was now dilated to almost 8 centimeters and I was going into transition. Once the nurse found that I had progressed so far, They decided the c-section had to happen NOW! 4 more nurses came in and started getting me prepped. Mike walked back in and was given scrubs and told "You need to change now!" He changed super fast and when he came back in they were wheeling me out. They told him grab your camera, leave everything else and follow them. I was on my way to the OR.
6:05 - I was in the OR and they were getting me set for my epidural. I was having constant contractions and I was still in shock. They moved me onto a flat, cold metal slab, and had me lean over and gave me the shot. Luckily it was a spinal and not a regular epidural. It takes effect a lot faster than a normal one. They laid me down, and spread my arms out to the side. They strapped my arms down and put hot blankets over me and wrapped my head in the a warm blanket. I had oxygen up my nose and a big blue tarp in front of my face so I couldn't see anything. The doctor started poking me and asking if I could feel it. As soon as I said I couldn't, they opened me up.
6:15 AM - Alena is here!!! She was out and they were working on getting her breathing. As soon as she started to cry, they wrapped her up, I got to kiss her cheek and her and Mike were off to the NICU. It was really hard for me to have to stay there by myself but I knew that Mike needed to be with our baby. They got me closed up, and then they wheeled me to recovery.
6:45 AM - The nurse finally tracked down all of our stuff so I was able to get my phone and call and tell my mom that I had had a baby. Can we say SUPER FAST MORNING!!!! I couldn't believe it. It was done and now all I wanted was to hold my baby. I had to stay in recovery for 2 and a half hours, and then they wheeled me by the NICU on my way to my room. I got to hold her for less than 2 minutes and then I was taken downstairs. That is when the day started feeling really long!!! I wanted my baby but wasn't allowed to go up and see her. I was going crazy. My baby shower was that night, so Mike left and opened all the presents. He got back and finally at 9:30 PM I was able to go up and really be with my baby. Let's just say that was the happiest I have ever been.

So, there is the run down of our very busy, very exciting day. That was the start of an 11 day NICU stay that started out little girls life. It really seems like it was just yesterday. We were blessed with so many wonderful doctors and nurses that did so much to help our baby girl. We are so grateful for the many prayers offered on our behalf, and for the visits and phone calls we received. We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends and we are so grateful for each and everyone of you!