Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Twilight Saga

So yesterday I finished the final book in the Twilight Saga "Breaking Dawn". If I do say so, I really liked it. It definitely wasn't what I expected, but I liked it. My original plan was to get the book read before Alena was born, but she decided to show up 6 weeks early so I had to put my reading on hold. I was just glad I was able to finish it. I am now in need of some new reading material. The thing I loved about these books is that is pretty much mindless reading. It has a good story that is easy to follow, but you can put it down if you absolutely need to. Somebody help me out. I don't know what to do now that there are no more Harry Potter books coming out and no more Twilight. If you have any good ones let me know!


  1. I totally know what you mean, I loved the Twighlight Series also. Right now I'm ready the Host also by Stephanie Meyer. It doesn't have any vampires in it but its not to bad so far.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Katie! I found you!!! Can we be blog buddies??? You better...we're family! I can't wait to meet your little Alena! Scott and Becky were at my parents house the other night with your dad. It was my first time seeing the twins! It better not be that long until I see your baby! Love you!

    October 8, 2008 11:07 PM

  4. Of course I'll be at the reunion! I'd have to have a pretty good excuse for missing it when I live here! Plus, I'll be so pregnant by then, I won't be able to go anywhere else... I haven't been HORRIBLY sick...just enough to be annoying. It's hard when I've been going to school too. Ugh. Anyway- have a lovely day and I'll talk to you soon! Loves!

  5. Read the Pretties. It's mindless reading too. But still good. I think there's 4 books in the series. The Pretties, the Uglies The specials and so on.

  6. I've always liked Nicholas Sparks...I don't know if you've read any of his books. He did the Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and Message in a Bottle. Oh and that new movie Nights in Rodanthe. They're all pretty much the same, but they're sappy so I like them and have them all haha! I'm glad you're coming up to Salt Lake I can meet you!!
