Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, it has been a while since I posted so I figured I would give an update. Alena is doing so great. It is crazy to think that she will be six weeks old on Tuesday. She is growing so fast I can't believe it. At her pediatrician appointment this last week she weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 19 inches long. It almost makes me sad to not have my tiny baby girl any more. She is starting to sleep longer and longer at night. There are times that she will actually go 5 hours between feedings at night so I am only having to get up once to feed her. That is helping me a ton. I love being a mom more and more everyday. I am so blessed to have such a sweet baby girl!

As for Mike, he had a pretty rough week this week. It started with him having a swollen gland in his neck and having a little bit of a soar throat, and ended with him being totally out of commission with tonsillitis. It has been hard to not have the extra set of hands to take care of Alena, and I have felt awful because there is nothing I can really do to help him feel better. He has been on antibiotics for the last two days so hopefully he will be feeling better soon. He has absolutely hated not being able to hold his baby girl and I'm sure she has been missing her Daddy time. Mike will be going up to Idaho Thursday of this week to see his dad and I am going to miss him so much.

As for me, like I said before I am just loving being a mom. It really is the greatest thing ever. Alena is such a blessing and she has such a sweet spirit about her. I could just hold her all the time and be totally content. I just wish I didn't have anything else to do around the house, but alas, life goes on. I will be starting back to work in just over a week, but I am so lucky to be able to do that from home. Yet another blessing in our lives are mine and Mike's jobs. We are lucky enough to work for the same company, and we have a boss that is much to good to us. We feel so fortunate for the life that it affords us. It is so great to have so much to be thankful for. Life is such a blessing and I hope everyone of our loved ones are just as happy in their present circumstances. We love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. Time just goes by way to fast. They grow up so soon. I'm still trying to get of the fact that my baby is almost 2 now. I just can't believe it. Enjoy is while it last! I'm happy to here that you are all doing well for the most part. Let Mike know that I hope he is feeling better.
