Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Bathrooms

So I wanted to show y'all what I picked out for the bathrooms in our new place.
This is what I picked out for the kids/guest bathroom

 I thought it was fun and worked for it being the kids, but at the same time it isn't all cartoons and play.  I was even able to get the entire set for a total discount and saved $30 on it!!  WooHoo!  I still have to decide what color I want to do for the bathrug and additional towels.  I could buy more of the matching towels, but I don't know that I want white towels to use for the kids and stuff.  I do have plenty of colors to choose from, so I'm sure I will end up with something that I like.  I'll let you know what I decide  :)

This is what I picked for Mike and my bathroom.

I know you are probably thinking that it is a little girly, but such is the life of a husband when the wife is doing the decorating.  I liked it because I felt like it gives some fun design to the bathroom.  Mike and I decided together that we want to do shades of gray for our towels and bathrug and get some really classy bathroom accessories, and I felt like this fit that well without being boring.

Two days till we get our keys!!!  I can't wait.  I'm trying to decide what I should move over first since Thursday will be spent with me just taking over small loads of stuff.  The big stuff will move on Friday and that will be our first night there.  Yay for moving  :)  I'll post pictures and stuff once we are in and give you all a "tour" of the new digs.


  1. I just realized (looking at this again) that I forgot to comment the first time I saw the post. I LOVE your plans for both bathrooms!! Totally love both of the styles and patterns. :) I'm definitely at that stage where I am craving to do makeovers around our whole home...yet don't have the $$ and want it to be in our "HOME" where we'll be for a while..instead of investing in a place where we might be leaving soon.. anyway, love the colors and designs!
