Monday, March 7, 2011

T-minus 2 days

So this is the little sign that Mike made to take into work for a poll of his fellow employees on what people think we are going to have.  My appointment is Wednesday morning at 8 am and I am super super anxious to know if we will have a little boy or girl joining our family.  

I also stole an idea from a family members blog that will be a great way to track this pregnancy from here on out.  You will get the first installment of that after the ultrasound on Wednesday as well as the announcement of Blue or Pink.  

Log your votes here if you would like.  I'd like to know what my family friends think we'll be having  :) 


  1. im feeling a pink vibe.... congrats again!

  2. Blue...! from Gramma Holly

  3. Although I really wish it was a boy this time so that we could have them together, I actually think it might be a girl for you! So... Pink!

  4. My vote is Blue :) I hope all is well! Lub, lub, lub!

  5. Pink! You are Wilcken...girls dominate. So I'm going with the odds here. ;)
