For starters with Mike's birthday we had a bunch of people over to our house for pizza and games on the 17th. We had a great time. We are so lucky to have such great friends and family. The loser I am I totally didn't take any pictures :(
Well, then on Mike's actual birthday the 19th we went out to dinner with his mom at Carrabba's. It really is a fabulous restaurant for any of you that have never been. Talk about good quality Italian. I definitely recommend.
Then on the 25th we had family dinner at my parents house where we celebrated all of the January birthday's. Everyone gets to blow out their own candles but Mike and I decided to do ours together. It is always a fun time. The grandkids all love singing Happy Birthday over and over and over again.
Then it was my birthday on the 28th. All I wanted was a night out with Mike. We haven't had a date night since Alena was born 5 months ago and we really needed some time on our own. It was so wonderful and loser me again no pictures! We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner which was fabulous as always and my wonderful husband didn't tell them it was my birthday so I didn't have to sit on that stupid saddle. I was very grateful for that. Then we went around and did a little shopping and then got ice cream at Coldstone. It really was so great to be out just the two of us. I was worrying about Alena the whole time, but it was still a wonderful night. Thanks Holly for babysitting for us.
Then last of all we on the 31st we got together with some people for a night out bowling for my birthday. I have been wanting to go for months and we finally got to go. Let me just say that I really am the WORST bowler ever, but I still have a really good time. We bowled a couple games and then went and got something to eat at Denny's with Carrie and Brian. It was another fun night. Thanks to everyone that was able to share in all of our birthday fun. We love all of you!! Can't wait for next year :)
Thanks for inviting us...we had a great time with you guys on your birthdays!